Game is revealed and student registration opens on Friday, May 19th.
Teams are formed and students notified of their team placement.
It is up to individual coaches/teams to decide when they will be starting. Some will choose to meet over the summer, however a majority will kick of during the last few weeks of summer.
By September all teams will be meeting 1 or 2 times a week based on team availability. Coaches/Captains will schedule all practices and communicate with team members. The Open Build Schedules are a way for coaches to schedule practice times in the Tech Rooms at KMMS or the HS.
Leagues and tournaments are available for teams to participate in. If teams would like to attend an event they need to sign up using our EVENT REGISTRATION GUIDELINES.
By this time most teams are practicing two times a week and have committed to a local league and/or tournament(s). Teams are busy getting ready for, and participating in, competitions.
Teams who have qualified for the Michigan State Tournament will compete. This tournament can qualify you for VEX World Championships.
If a team makes it on, they will compete on a international stage at the VEX World Championship TBD.
Game is revealed and student registration opens on Friday, May 19th.
Teams are formed and students notified of their team placement.
It is up to individual coaches/teams to decide when they will be starting. Some will choose to meet over the summer, however a majority will kick of during the last few weeks of summer.
By September all teams will be meeting 1 or 2 times a week based on team availability. Coaches/Captains will schedule all practices and communicate with team members. The Open Build Schedules are a way for coaches to schedule practice times in the Tech Rooms at KMMS or the HS.
Leagues and tournaments are available for teams to participate in. If teams would like to attend an event they need to sign up using our EVENT REGISTRATION GUIDELINES.
By this time most teams are practicing two times a week and have committed to a local league and/or tournament(s). Teams are busy getting ready for, and participating in, competitions.
Teams who have qualified for the Michigan State Tournament will compete. This tournament can qualify you for VEX World Championships.
If a team makes it on, they will compete on a international stage at the VEX World Championship TBD.